Friday, April 27, 2012

Welcome/Framed Paw Prints

Welcome to Eat, Craft, Love

I'm just a girl who LOVES good food. 
And I'm always looking for great ideas to spruce up my home, or make life easier!

Lets start with a few of my past projects!

Framed Paw Prints

I was looking for an easy (cheap) project for my moms birthday since I was currently out of work. She has 2 dogs, Lucy and Maxine, and loves them dearly! I was playing around with different ideas of maybe a picture of them together, or a silhouette... but they don't pose very well! So I ended with paw prints!


Frame (doesn't have to be fancy, check the dollar store!)
Cardstock paper
Large ink pad
Dog/cat/other pet :)

First step is getting the paw prints onto the cardstock.
If you have uncooperative animals, this is the hard part!

1. Put your pets paw into the ink pad, make sure you get it covered really well.

2. Put your pets paw on the card stock,being careful not to smear it, press down!
(this may be easier to do if you have the pet stand, you lift their paw, then slide the paper under, and let them set their paw back down)
This may take a few tries.

3. Write your pets name, your favorite quote, anything you like in pencil, to make sure you like how it looks!

4. Write over your pencil with pen.

5. Put your beautiful artwork in the frames! :)

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